Q: Why does your church fly an American flag ?
A: Because, we are Americans. We realize there is a movement in churches today to not display the American flag as it could be offensive. While it is never our intention to do anything to offend others, we believe that God allowed the formation of this nation to have a people that pray to Him, that honor His blessings upon us, and that there would be a nation who understands and demonstrates freedom as coming from the Lord Himself.
Q: Does your church address the LGBTQ lifestyle ?
A: MTCC cannot pick and choose sins they want to be for or against. No church has any right to do that. Sin is sin. The Bible is our authority. Our opinion carries no more weight than any other church. We do believe that the Scriptures are clear that this lifestyle has stepped outside Gods purpose and plan for marriage, which is “a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave for his wife”. Genesis 2:24 Jesus also spoke to this is Mark 10:6 “ in the beginning He created male and female, for the purpose of marriage.